Are you beginner-friendly?

YES! Beginners are our specialty. We pride ourselves on being the perfect place for beginners to start their journey. Our coaches, classes, and training approach, are perfect to get you started at a pace that is comfortable for you.

We strongly believe that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be for anyone, regardless of age, gender, or experience level. Whether your goals are fitness related, to expand your social circle, to learn self-defense, or to become a world champion, our instructors will help you achieve them and have a great time in the process.

Do you have Kids’ Classes?

Yes! We have classes for kids starting at age 4 that can keep them training into adulthood. Whether we are training your 4-year-old in fundamental movement skills or your 16-year-old in developing good lifetime training and nutrition habits, we ensure our programs meet the kids where they are and keep a constant focus on giving them the appropriate training based on their own physical, emotional, and psychological development

How much does it cost?

We have several membership options depending on what you want to train and how often you want to train. All of those options are published on our pricing and sign-up page.

What is your schedule?

We offer over 40 classes a week, and that’s a lot for anyone to remember. To make things easy for all of us, we have made our schedule available on our website. We keep the schedule up-to-date and make real-time changes any time there are additions, changes, or cancellations.

Can training at Rough Hands help me meet my goals?

Yes, training at Rough Hands can help you meet many goals you might have. Although, it will heavily depend on your commitment to your goals. Whether it be weight loss, a better sense of safety and self-reliance, or self-confidence, your goals can only be met if you are actively working on them. Whatever your goals, we generally recommend a commitment to training at least twice a week.